LifeVitae’s main value proposition is an AI/ ML based product-led approach to influence career counselling at a massive scale for you and your fellow students, in a democratized way to make it affordable for all.
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Here is a Life Skills Platform that can help you discover and develop your dominant and developing skills, thereby unlocking your full potential and enabling a holistic development.
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Using AI and ML, we codify our indigenously developed data science algorithms. We take inputs from you in the form of your lived experiences and use our algorithms to discover and hone your strengths, skills and recommend you with a future course of action.
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The origin of LifeVitae is based on the premise that students are much more than their grades or test scores. In the present system of education, where grades become a proxy of every other ability that a student possesses, we at LifeVitae understand a student's needs and interests and as a result curate learning pathways for them based on their lived experiences.
“It's been very helpful because I've never heard of any counselor also, you know, who offers this much information or even takes so much feedback from you and it's a very comprehensive kind of a feedback that LifeVitae takes which is what I really liked about it. Even the smallest, minor, seemingly inconsequential things can be put out and you know that helps too. It's a good discovery process for the children also.”
Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya
“I was so much eager to know about what is the strength map, what does the strength map show to me and what are the other opportunities for me. For example ma'am, there were learning paths, there was a notification that learning paths are now available. So I was so excited to know that what can be my learning paths in future like for higher education.”
Student of Sri Ram Global School
“To be very frank, I loved my daughter to go in this platform because I thought that it was the right time to enter such kind of a platform. When LifeVitae was introduced in SKV, I thought it was a good opportunity and right time to start because you know children, by the time they actually seep in, it takes them around 6-7 months. So it was right kind of time and platform to be associated with.”
“I didn't knew that you'll be suggesting the universities, you'll be suggesting the potential of the students and will be helping them throughout till the time they get recruited. It was very easy because there was no work for us. It was all served on a platter from your end. See we've been associated with LifeVitae for the past 6 months. Students were in grade 10th when they opted for LifeVitae and had made their profile. Now this helped them in choosing their streams also. Now as they go further in their journey, it's surely going to help them.”
Counselor of Sr Ram Global School
“I loved the idea of an AI backed curation. I love the fact that you know you've the lifelines column where the students can put on all their activities. You've LifePower where all the achievements are there. It shows also for each of the activities what skill is demonstrated and then under which largest set does it come under. And the labelling is not done by you and me, it's an AI backed you know, there are all these algorithms that play and all of these come out. And then what is their passion? What are the LifePowers? What are the top 10 strengths? It is very useful.”
Overseas Counselor
“This is our first collaboration with LifeVitae, and it has been an interesting experience for Selasar Muda to work with LifeVitae, since the program is aligned with what Selasar Muda is projecting to schools. We are also ready to evaluate for a better and optimized service to our clients.”
Assistant Vice President Regional Sales, Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison, Central & West Java Region.
“Lifevitae is a platform to track students' potential and their interests, which later can be used in choosing higher education (campus and courses), or even in choosing a job, because not all interests and potentials are detected by parents, teachers, or even the students themselves.By providing detailed data related to LifeMoments, LifeAchievements, and LifePassions, students will come to understand their LifeStrengths.”
Founder, Eduwell Planet
“LifeVitae is one of a kind career guidance platform. The methodology used by this platform to suggest individual learning paths helps children make informed career choices and individual higher learning decisions. The platform also works towards skill diagnosis and analyzing the right skill set assists the children to make the right career decisions. It is recommended that students should when required allow Lifevitae to assist them in chalking out a well informed future pathway.”
LifeVitae is a new concept that redefines the CV, and offers a more holistic view into one’s life experience: this is perfect for students without much core work experience, but plenty of other life-shaping experiences that are worth including, but don’t really fit under the subheadings on a CV. Our students really enjoyed it, found it useful, and discovered a whole new way to view their achievements and successes!
More and more recruiters are looking for attitude and they will train for skill. That’s what we’re really interested in is how- what is a person like. You know, what motivates them, what’s their personality like, how are they going to fit in with the team. And I think the CV isn’t enough to measure that.
Our hiring process time has been reduced by 25% since the implementation of LifeVitae. LifeVitae has dramatically improved the quality of candidates that come through our system and has increased the speed of the hiring process. This has happened because LifeVitae's systems allow us to more accurately match a candidate to our clients’ needs. It does this by helping to identify the soft skills and strengths from a candidates life experiences. LifeVitae was easy to implement and only took a few weeks for my team to become familiar with the system. It has proven to be a very valuable tool for our hiring system.
It has soft-skills involved a bit more into the personal life of the candidate or the profile of these people. So, I felt that it was quite good because standing for the perspective of a recruiter I get to see this person than just the education and the hard skills of this person.
I did not set out to build a perfect resume, but I set out to make the best decisions at different stages of my life.
Find out from our LifeVitae-converts why we have become their go-to platform. We have an active community that uses LifeVitae to build their profiles, get matched to the right learning resources, and much more.
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